Textbook Adoption

Proposed 5-12 Social Studies Textbooks for adoption for 22-23 School Year for Review
Parents of USD 457 students, please take time to review the materials linked below. The 5-12 Social Studies textbook adoption committee has been working with teachers and parents alike this year to find the best resource to adopt for the upcoming school year. The TCI publishing company is who the committee is proposing to Curriculum Council for review and the Board of Education after that. The quick reference guide for each grade or subject will be linked below the picture of the book and a link to the company website will give you access to preview what the textbooks provide. Please contact us as soon as possible if any of the links are not working.
5-12 Recommendation: TCI
5th Grade
TCI: Social Studies Alive! America’s Past
6th Grade
TCI: History Alive! The Ancient World
7th Grade
TCI: Geography Alive! Regions and People
7th Grade
Gibbs-Smith: The Kansas Journey
8th Grade
TCI: History Alive! The US Through Industrialism
High School World History
TCI: History Alive! World Connections
High School US History
TCI: History Alive! Pursuing American Ideals
High School Government
TCI: Government Alive! Power, Politics, and You
High School Sociology
McGraw-Hill: Sociology & You
High School AP European History
Cengage: Western Civilization AP
If you would wish to preview the materials in person, please email Jason Johnson at jjohnson6@gckschools.com to schedule a time at the District Office (1200 N Fleming) during regular business hours (8 AM to 5 PM) to see the sample materials we have in our office. When emailing, please provide your full name and the time you wish to preview the materials as you will be scheduled for that time. You will be asked to sign in when you access the materials and leave any comments you wish to be associated with your review. We will have an open review time from March 21st to April 11th.

Intermediate Encore Adoption
Project Lead the Way (PLTW) provides a transformative learning experience and creates lasting impacts beyond the classroom. It is an engaging, hands-on classroom environment, that empowers students to develop knowledge and skills in the science, engineering, and technology (STEM) areas. This is a highly recommended curriculum in the STEM and computer science realms. The intermediates school are recommending this to replace their tech lab curriculum from PITSCO. All students will have a semester of this that supports the science standards as well as computer science.

Kindergarten thru 6th grade: Eureka2 (Eureka Squared) Math
This is the updated and newest version of our current math curriculum. It is updated with more online features, diagnostic pre-module assessments, and intervention supports. https://edu.greatminds.org/eurekamathsquared There is no ed reports on this curriculum yet as this is the first year in publishing. The previous version ed report is here: https://www.edreports.org/reports/overview/eureka-math-2015
7th grade thru Algebra 2: Kendall Hunt Illustrative Math (https://im.kendallhunt.com)
This is an open educational resource (meaning we would only pay for the printing of materials and shipment) that is the highest rated option available at this time based on Ed Reports (https://www.edreports.org/reports/overview/kendall-hunts-illustrative-mathematics-traditional-2019) Based on work with a Math consultant from Smokey Hill service center, the HS math department piloted this as well as teachers at HGMS this year and agreed that this was the best option based on the needs of the students and the methodology used to teach.
Advanced Math (Above Alg. 2): CPM, (https://cpm.org/courses)
This is a non-profit organization that writes and updates curriculum for advanced math courses. This has been piloted in the HS for the fall semester and was rated the highest on our rubrics from the staff. We will pay for professional development, but then the curriculum is free (mostly) besides cost of printing.
Ed Reports: https://www.edreports.org/reports/overview/cpm-traditional-2015