Garden City Public Schools Foundation
What is the Garden City Public Schools Foundation?
An endowment for the Garden City Public Schools, founded in 2004
A non-profit, tax exempt organization
A board consisting of 10 members; also ex-officio members representing the School Administration
The mission of the Foundation is to maintain educational excellence in Garden City Public Schools
Regularly awards grants to teachers, programs and schools
Expands, enriches, enhances programs not otherwise funded by the district
Does not make capital improvements, compensation payment to teachers, or deals with bond issues
Download the brochure to learn how you can become a partner
We appreciate your support through a charitable donation. Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
Garden City Public Schools Foundation
1205 Fleming
Garden City, KS 67846-4751
Phone: (620) 805-7000
Advisory Board Members
Advisory Board Members
Treasurer Melinda Hitz
Myca Bunch
Jean Clifford
Nathan Haeck
Bradley Kolowski
Kirk Olomon
Randy Ralston
Raelene Stoecklein
Ex Officio Member
Roy Cessna