About Garden City Schools My Bus Stop
With Garden City Schools My Bus Stop, parents, guardians and students know where their school bus is and what time it will show up at their home stop — all from a smart phone, mobile device or computer. Starting in the 2018-2019 school year each student rider will be issued a scan card.
Garden City Schools My Bus Stop graphically displays the school bus' location on a map, as well as the estimated time of arrival (ETA) to your student’s bus stop. The school bus' location is automatically updated and the ETA is recalculated to accommodate any delays due to traffic while in route.
Garden City Schools My Bus Stop is available as either a web application or as an app for iPhone and Android smartphones. The web application allows users of other devices, including personal computers, to access the information via a web browser.
Frequently Asked Questions
Install the App

To install the app, simply visit the Google Play Store (for Android) or the Apple Store (for iOS), and search for "VersaTrans My Stop" or log-in via the web at My Stop. Make sure you select Garden City Schools when prompted.
To log in:
Contact your student’s school for your username and password.