Smart Snacks in Schools

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released an interim final rule setting nutrition standards for  All Foods Sold in School (Smart Snacks in Schools). The new guidelines went into effect July 1, 2014.

The law has specific nutrition standards for all foods and beverages sold to students outside the school meal programs; on the school campus; and at any time during the school day. This includes foods and beverages sold a la carte in the cafeteria, in school stores, at snack bars, through fundraising, from vending machines or any other venues that sell food to students. The school day is defined from the midnight before, to 30 minutes after the end of the instructional school day. Please see below for additional information.

Nutritional Standards

All food and beverage items sold to students on campus during the school day (as defined above) must meet specific nutritional criteria. For a detailed list of criteria, click the button below. Want some help determining if your organization's item is "Smart Snack" approved? Use the handy calculator tool provided by Alliance for a Healthier Generation.


All food- or beverage-based fundraisers conducted on campus during the school day selling items for consumption on site must meet "Smart Snacks" requirements. Per the Kansas State Department of Education's fundraiser policy, student-led organizations may conduct one exempt fundraiser per semester for a duration lasting no longer than two consecutive days. Such fundraisers may not be conducted during breakfast and lunch meal service times. For additional details, please see the KSDE policy at the link below.

Classroom Parties & Rewards

Although classroom parties, rewards and food brought from home are not subject to the Smart Snacks legislation, our district's wellness policy highly encourages healthier options for the well-being of our students.