The Garden City High School drama department will present the thriller musical Jekyll & Hyde by Leslie Bricusse & Frank Wildhorn on March 31st & April 1st at 7:30 pm and April 2nd at 2:30 pm in the GCHS Auditorium. This musical is based on the book The Curious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde written by Robert Louis Stevenson. Ticket prices are $10 for adults and $5 for students for advanced tickets or $12 for adults and $7 for students at the door. Tickets may be purchased online - here, from cast members, or at the door at the performances. We have a limited supply of tickets available for $10 and $5 from cast members, get yours today! This play is rated PG-13 and involves staged violence and adult themes that may not be appropriate for all audiences.
Synopsis: “The epic struggle between good and evil comes to life on stage in the musical phenomenon, “Jekyll & Hyde”. Based on the classic story by Robert Louis Stevenson and featuring a thrilling score of pop rock hits from multi-Grammy- and Tony-nominated Frank Wildhorn and double-Oscar- and Grammy-winning Leslie Bricusse, Jekyll & Hyde has mesmerized audiences the world over. An evocative tale of two men – one, a doctor, passionate and romantic; the other, a terrifying madman – and two women – one, beautiful and trusting; the other, beautiful and trusting only herself– both women in love with the same man and both unaware of his dark secret. A devoted man of science, Dr. Henry Jekyll is driven to find a chemical breakthrough that can solve some of mankind's most challenging medical dilemmas. Rebuffed by the powers that be, he decides to make himself the subject of his own experimental treatments, accidentally unleashing his inner demons along with the man that the world would come to know as Mr. Hyde.
Cast: Playing the roles of both Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is Ryan Pilosof (senior). Dr. Jekyll’s best friend, John Utterson, is played by Razel Quintero (senior). Sir Danvers Carew, Jekyll’s soon to be father-in-law, is played by senior, Rylan Anderson. Emma Carew, Sir Danvers’ daughter and Jekyll’s fiancé, is played by Georgia Fahrmeier (junior). Lucy Harris, a young woman Jekyll meets at the Red Rat, is played by Hayley Loya (junior). The Board of Governors is made up of Sr. Archibald Proops played by Aztlan Quintero (freshman), Lord Savage played by Nic Vigil (sophomore), General Glossop played by Santiago Rueda (junior), the Bishop of Basingstroke played by Jasper Transfiguracion (junior), and Lady Beaconsfield played by Kennedy Johnson (senior). Simon Stride, the man who fancies Emma, is played by Yo Na (sophomore). Nellie is played by Maria Sanchez (senior) and Spider is played by Chris Plisek (junior), they work with Lucy at the Red Rat. Poole, Jekyll’s butler is played by senior, Eh Kaw Say and Bisset, the apothecary, is played by Cesar Guevara (senior). The ensemble, who play a variety of roles are: Cesar Altamirano, Cesar Guevara, Kyra Linenberger, Maria Sanchez, Eh Kaw Say, Alex Terriquez, and Jessa York (seniors); Katrina Almaguer, Jiovanni Brown, Aleah Eatmon, Carlos Monteaguedo-Alvarez, Chris Plisek, Santiago Rueda, Jasper Transfiguracion, and Natalie Unsworth (juniors); Christy Donovan, Danica Galia, Raelee James-Crist, Yo Na, Michelle Ramos, Mackenzie Torres, Nic Vigil and Annalise York (sophomores); and Julibeth Arzate, Emelyn Caro, Ariana Gerber, Daniela Loya, Jada Martinez, and Aztlan Quintero (freshmen).
Alice Hilt is the Director with Robyn Hilt & Wyatt Smith serving as Assistant Directors. Mark Van Savage is the fight coordinator. Musical Director is Abigail Martinez. Rehearsal Accompanist is Andrew Zoschke. Stage Tracks are played by Yeena Kang. The stage manager for this production is Shea Huber (junior) and assistant stage manager is Nathan Palomo (junior). The Set was designed by Alice Hilt and built by Hilt, Technical Theatre classes, and cast. Costume Designers are Robyn Hilt and Esme Corado (senior) with costuming students and cast working to construct all the costumes in the production. Lights were designed by Alice Hilt, Rylan Anderson (senior), and Mallory Hardy (junior). Sound designers are Shea Huber (junior) and Izzy Frey (sophomore). Publicity, program, and poster design was done by Ryan Pilosof (senior). Headshots were taken by Connor Pilosof (sophomore), and photos are by Connor Pilosof and Mark Van Savage. Props Managers are Baby Htoo (sophomore) and Eh Kaw Say (senior).