The Garden City High School drama department will present a whodunit comedy “The Alibis” on September 28th and 30th at 7:00 p.m. There will be a matinee on October 1st at 2:30 p.m. The performances will be held in the auditorium on the Garden City High School campus, 2720 Buffalo Way Blvd. This play is appropriate for all audiences.
Ticket prices are $10 for adults, $8 for senior citizens and $5 for students in high school and under. Tickets may be purchased at https://gardencitydrama.ludus...., from cast members, or at the door at the performances. The box office opens an hour prior to the production for the purchase of tickets at the door. Cash, checks, and credit/debit cards are accepted. Please arrive at least ten minutes prior to the show to ensure seating before the show begins.
Synopsis: This production is a series of eight ten-minute plays that are all student directed by GCHS Drama Students. It is a rouge’s gallery of whodunit mysteries. When eccentric billionaire J. Leslie Arlington is murdered, a clueless detective finds the suspects are all reluctant to admit their alibis…because they were all committing other ridiculous crimes at the time.
Casts and Directors: Ms. Alice Hilt, GCHS theatre director, directs the prologues, interludes and epilogues. These scenes include all the suspects as well as Detective Casey Neptune played by Chandler Hass-Powers (freshman), Warwick played by Jada Martinez (sophomore), and a mysterious figure played by Logan Wyatt (senior). Attempted Theft of a Confection from a Minor is directed by Nic Vigil (junior). This cast consists of Bonnie played by Marsae Hanneman (freshman), Clyde Bartlett (suspect) played by Jasper Transfiguracion (senior), a mother played by Erika Estrada (senior), and her child played by Logan Wyatt (senior). Davina Arlington Wants Revenge is directed by Katrina Almaguer (senior). This casts is Davina Arlington (suspect) played by Julia Facio (junior), Patricia played by Lila Scrivner (freshman), Jerrod played by Mauro Lara (senior), Warwick played by Jada Martinez, and Estelle played by Tia Swords (junior). Hamster Murder! is directed by Jasper Transfiguracion (senior). In this scene there is Quinn (suspect) played by Phybee Madlangbayan (senior), Grandpa played by Nic Vigil (junior), Rose played by Ailyn Robledo (freshman), and Peyton played by Silas Lobmeyer (junior). Mill Noir is directed by Jada Martinez (sophomore). This cast consists of Titus Arlington-Texas (suspect) played by Albert Revolorio (junior), Carlotta Carlyle played by Tia Swords (junior), Paper Bag Girl played by Ericka Estrada (senior), Marty played by Leslie Perez (sophomore), and Oz Voices played by Jasleen Garcia (junior), Marisela Loza (freshman), Cheyanne Ortiz (freshman), and Leslie Perez (sophomore). Badger Poison is directed by Katrina Almaguer (senior). This cast is Sparky Randall (suspect) played by Gustavo Hiracheta (junior), Sam played by Leslie Perez (sophomore), Mickey played by Abraham Merino (senior), and Gerald played by Logan Wyatt (senior). In Case of Fish is directed by Izzy Frey (junior). This play includes Franc Dubois (suspect) played by Gavin Norton (senior), Sue played by Julibeth Arzate (sophomore), and Lu played by Santiago Rueda (senior). The Incredible Season Finale is directed by Silas Lobmeyer (junior). This cast includes Vivian Strict played by Marsae Hanneman (freshman), and Marina Westerlund- played by Tia Swords (junior). The final play is I Did It which is directed by Phybee Madlangbayan (senior). This cast is Edmund Ridinghorn III (suspect) played by Santiago Rueda (senior), Nesbitt played by Nic Vigil (junior), an arms dealer played by Xochitl Vazquez (freshman), the getaway driver played by Lila Scrivner (fresman), a doctor played by Gavin Norton (senior), and intern played by Julia Facio (junior), a photographer played by Silas Lobmeyer, and other doctors/nurses/interns played by Jasleen Garcia (junior), Marisela Loza (freshman) and Cheyanne Ortiz (freshman).
Alice Hilt serves as the Technical Director. Alice Hilt, Robyn Hilt & Mark Van Savage served as coaches for the directors. Assistant stage manager is Mallory Hardy (senior). Light board operator is Madison Crow (junior), Sound board operators are Izzy Frey (junior), and Katrina Almaguer (senior). The Lights, Set, Props, and Sound were designed by Alice Hilt and the directors. Costumes were organized and made by costuming classes, directors and the cast members. This production has been a great learning experience for our students who have taken on the roles of directors in this show.