Board of Education Meeting Recap February 20

The USD 457 Board of Education met Monday, February 20 during a regularly scheduled meeting.  The meeting was held in the Educational Support Center Board Room, 1205 Fleming Street.

The board recognized Andrew Thiesen a Horizon Award winner; Alice Hilt, Region 5 Theatre Teacher of the Year; and received the results from the Kansas Thespian Conference.  There were students from the GCHS Drama Department present that participated in the conference and received awards.

The board received a building presentation from Victor Ornelas Elementary School . The school is doing many things to promote literacy.  

 The board received a Mental Health and SEL Advisory Committee Update from Diane Elliot, SEL Advisory Facilitator and Kim Fisher, Mental Health Liaison.

 Abe Hubert Elementary School presented their Wildly Important Goals. The school’s goals are to increase literacy across all content areas through engaging students in rich texts where they will be able to write and discuss high-level topics.

 During unfinished business: the board discussed the proposed updates on security and technology. There was discussion of the purchase and installation of a visitor management system for the schools in the district. There was analysis of updating and adding additional cameras at the schools. There was breakdown of providing additional enhancements to the buildings to increase secure access to the schools.   The board did not take action on this item and wanted more information.

The board discussed and approved the 2023-2024 school calendar as presented. The first day of school will be Tuesday, August 15, 2023.

Under new business: They reviewed the Board Policy LED, Churches and Board Policy IFA, Classroom Displays presented by Glenda LaBarbera, Deputy Superintendent. This was a first presentation of the board policies and the board did not vote on them.  They will vote on them at the next meeting. The board looks at and updates policies throughout the school year. 

The board approved the following items during the meeting.  They include the minutes of the February 6 regular Board of Education meeting.  Re-roof at Kenneth Henderson Middle School, Horace Hood Middle School, and Alta Brown Elementary School.  Carpet replacement at the Educational Support Center. Purchase of iPad cases. The District Audit Report as presented. The design fees for the Abe Hubert HVAC Commissioning Project in the amount of $127,500.00. Partnership agreement between Jobs for America’s Graduates- Kansas (JAG-K) and the district for the 2023-24 school year.

The board held three (3) executive sessions.  The first will was relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative or representatives of the body or agency.  The second was for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship. The third was relating to personnel matters for non-elected personnel. No action was taken at the end of all three of the executive sessions. 

The next meeting of the Board of Education will be Monday, March 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the Educational Support Center Board Room, 1205 Fleming Street.

The Board of Education agenda can be viewed here.

The Board of Education meeting can be watched here.