Board of Education Meeting Monday

The next meeting of the Garden City Public Schools Board of Education will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, May 15, 2023.  The meeting will be held in the Educational Support Center Board Room, 1205 Fleming Street.

The board will recognize Georgia Matthews Elementary School for being the pop tab challenge winning school in support of the Ronald McDonald House (Wichita).  Janet Reed will present a trophy to the school during the recognition. 

The board will tour the updated Technology offices at the Educational Support Center.  The offices have been updated and expanded. 

Brandy Ochs, Edith Scheuerman Elementary School Principal, will provide a report on the school’s Wildly Important Goals that the school has been working on during the school year.

Jamie Schweer, Engage After School Program Coordinator, will provide an Engage After School Program update.

Michelle Shull, Health Services Coordinator will discuss with the board a Narcan Policy. 

There will be an executive session at the end of the meeting. It will be on matters relating to actions adversely or favorably affecting a person as a student, patient or resident of a public institution, except that any such person shall have the right to a public hearing if requested by that person.

The complete agenda can be found here.