Garden City Public Schools Board of Education met on Monday, July 10, 2023. The meeting was held at the Educational Support Center Board Room, 1205 Fleming Street.
The board elected John Wiese as president and Jackie Gigot as vice president for the 2023-24 school year as part of the board’s annual reorganization. The other Board of Education members include: Andy Fahrmeier, Dana Nanninga, Randy Ralston, Mark Rude, and Jennifer Standley. They also set dates and times for the board meetings during the school year.
Under new business, they heard a presentation from Little Leaders of GCK, which was formally Community Day Care Center. They will be providing educational enrichment activities for the children that attend the center. They want to partner with the school district to provide meals to the children at the center. The board did not take any action on this item.
The Board held two executive sessions after the completion of all other business. The first executive session was for matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representatives of the body or agency. The board voted to ratify the negotiated agreement between the district and the Garden City Education Association after the executive session.
The second executive session was for personnel matters for non-elected personnel. There was no action taken after the executive session.
The board approved the following items during the meeting. They include: Minutes of the June 22 meeting; Nutanix Upgrade for Technology from ProActive Solutions for $189,865.36; Fire & Security Alarm Monitoring from Pinnacle Fire & Automation for $25,156.00; three milk coolers from Central Restaurant Products for $10,542.00; Playground Turf for Garden City Achieve from Forever Lawn for $43,337.63; and a lease for a Robotic Field and Parking Lot Painter from Turf Tank for $12,500.00. The Board of Education Standards; revised Board Policy CCA Organizational Chart; and an agreement for Legal Services with Doering, Grissell, and Cunningham, P.A.
The next meeting of the Board of Education will be Monday, July 24, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room at the Educational Support Center, 1205 Fleming Street.
The Board of Education agenda can be viewed here.
The Board of Education meeting can be watched here. Part 2 of the meeting can be watched here.