The Garden City High School Student Council will be hosting a homecoming parade on Sunday, September 24, at 6:30 p.m. The parade will travel down Main Street and will have a number of floats. The parade will help kick-off the start of homecoming week activities. There will also be a community pep rally in Stevens Park following the parade.
Garden City High School will hold different spirit themed days during homecoming week. There is no school on Monday, September 25th for a teacher inservice. Tuesday is Groovy, Wednesday is Barbie vs Ken, Thursday is Frat vs Sorority, and Friday is Brown to the Bone.
Homecoming week will conclude on Friday, September 29th with the GCHS football team will play at home against Liberal at 7:00 p.m. at Buffalo Stadium, 2720 Buffalo Way Blvd. The homecoming royalty presentation will take place during halftime of the football game. There will be a dance immediately following the football game until 11:00 p.m. Students must have their GCHS student ID to attend the dance.
Garden City Downtown Vision is also hosting "GCK Proud Community Pep Rallies" in Stevens Park during their Food Truck Fridays for Garden City High School and Garden City Community College home football games. The GCHS pep rally will start at 12:00 p.m.
The community is invited to support the GCHS and GCCC teams, as they get ready to play on their home fields. Meet the players and cheerleaders, hear the band/drumline, and enjoy school spirit giveaways.