The Garden City High School drama department will present The Addams Family: A New Musical School Edition. It will be presented on November 10th and 11th at 7:00 p.m. There will be a matinee on November 12th at 2:30 p.m. The performances will be held in the auditorium on the Garden City High School campus, 2720 Buffalo Way Blvd. The play is appropriate for all audiences to attend and enjoy.
Ticket prices are $10 for adults, $8 for senior citizens and $5 for students in high school and under. Tickets may be purchased at, from cast members, or at the box office the night of the performance. The box office opens an hour prior to the production for the purchase of tickets at the door. Cash, checks, and credit/debit cards are accepted.
Synopsis: The Addams Family is a comical feast that embraces the wackiness in every family, features an original story and it’s every father’s nightmare: Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family– a man her parents have never met. And if that wasn’t upsetting enough, Wednesday confides in her father and begs him not to tell her mother. Now, Gomez Addams must do something he’s never done before– keep a secret from his beloved wife, Morticia. Everything will change for the whole family on the fateful night they host a dinner for Wednesday’s “normal” boyfriend and his parents. (Theatrical Rights Worldwide)
Cast: Gomez Addams will be played by Santiago Rueda (senior). Morticia Addams is Hayley Loya (senior). Their daughter, Wednesday Addams, will be played by Katrina Almaguer (senior), and their son Pugsley will be played by Zane Sorensen (freshman). Fester Addams, Gomez’s brother, will be Jasper Transfiguracion (senior), and Grandma Addams will be Marsae Hanneman (freshman). The Beinekes are Mal played by Nic Vigil (junior), Alice played by Georgia Fahrmeier (senior), and their son Lucas is played by Gustavo Hiracheta (junior). Lurch, the family butler, will be played by Logan Wyatt (senior). The chorus of Addams’ Family Ancestors are played by Emelyn Caro (sophomore), Juvey Chairez (sophomore), Julia Facio (junior), Kathya Guillen (senior), Silas Lobmeyer (junior), Daniela Loya (sophomore), Phybee Madlangbayan (senior), Veronica McCallum (junior), Gavin Norton (senior), Michelle Ramos (junior), Albert Revolorio (junior), Lila Scrivner (freshman), and Natalie Unsworth (senior). The Moon is played by Calista Davis.
Alice Hilt is the Director. Musical Director is Abigail Martinez. The Orchestra will be conducted by Wyatt Smith. Robyn Hilt, Tucker Schiffelbein & Mark Van Savage are Assistant Directors. The Stage Manager is Nathan Palomo (senior). Assistant stage manager is Mallory Hardy (senior). Light board operator is Madison Crow (junior) and Sound board operators are Izzy Frey (junior), and Kaleb Knoll (freshman). The Lights and Props were designed by Alice Hilt. Costumes were designed by Anahi Martinez (junior) and Robyn Hilt. Set was designed by Izzy Frey (junior) and Alice Hilt. Sound is designed by Izzy Frey (junior). The costumes were built by Robyn Hilt and the GCHS costuming classes. The set was built by Technical Theatre classes, cast and crew.