Garden City High School band students had their recorded auditions judged for the Southwest Kansas District Honor Band. The concert will be held at 3:15 p.m. on Saturday, December 2, at Dodge City High School. The concert is open to the public.
The GCHS students that received spots in the band include: Raquel Cuevas, piccolo; Angel Robledo, flute; Aiden Valdivia-Hernandez, flute; Carmen Tewell, Oboe; Ezequiel Lopez-Espino, clarinet; Kaylin Nonof, clarinet; Anabel Reyes, clarinet; Irvin Reyes, clarinet; Lillian Freouf, clarinet; Christopher Aguayo, clarinet; Seth Palacio, bass clarinet; Marion Fuentes, bass clarinet; Pablo Aguilar, tenor saxophone; Emman Banwell, trumpet; Bradley Love, trumpet; Evelyn Arroyo, horn; Silas Lobmeyer, trombone; Luis Vasquez, baritone; Brandon Peterson, tuba; and Ian Ulrich, percussion.
Aileen Vasquez, bass clarinet; Shelby Armstrong, baritone saxophone; Ricky Bailey, trumpet; Kyle Miller, horn, and Abraham Merino, baritone; have been selected as an alternates. Should another student not be able to complete their placement with the ensemble, they will be called to perform.
The GCHS band director is Ryan Partin; assistant director is Andrew Thiesen.