Garden City Public Schools will be celebrating American Education Week, November 13-17. American Education Week helps to raise public awareness of the importance of education. During this week the district celebrates great schools and the partnerships between teachers, support staff, students, parents, and the community.
Garden City Public Schools is committed to providing the highest quality education to all students. Helping children be successful in school is the goal of all educators and parents.
Garden City Public Schools will be celebrating with various activities throughout the week, recognizing the exemplary education provided by Garden City Public Schools.
American Education Week Schedule:
Monday, November 13, Garden City Public Schools Foundation Day. The Garden City Public Schools Foundation Grant Squad will award mini-grants to teachers around the school district.
The Garden City Education Association (GCEA) also has plans during the week. On Monday the GCEA will have the Mayor of Garden City read a proclamation to promote American Education Week to help kick-off the week. They will also recognize the Board of Education as part of the American Education Week celebration.
Tuesday, November 14, Thank an Educator Day. This postcard activity allows students around the district to thank an educator. The GCEA asks students and staff to wear their favorite hat. “Hats off to School Staff for helping our students learn.”
Wednesday, November 15, Wellness Wednesday. The district will be promoting wellness during the day. The district will promote walk with a co-worker along with drinking plenty of water for you healthy mind and body. The GCEA will encourage teachers and student to do a “Walk the School Grounds Day” to exercise their body for a healthy mind. It will also be “Healthy Body and Mind Day” where staff and students will wear school appropriate workout clothes/tennis shoes to promote a healthy lifestyle for a healthy mind.
Thursday, November 16, Support Reading Day. GCEA will promote reading. They encourage everyone to stop and read for at least 15 minutes. Please take extra time today to read. Wear a shirt that promotes reading. The Crystal Apple Awards Banquet will be held in the evening at the Clarion Inn. Outstanding Teachers from Finney County will be officially recognized. This event is sponsored by the Garden City Area Chamber of Commerce.
Friday, November 17, Alma Mater Day Wear a shirt celebrating your alma mater and promote higher education. The GCEA would like to honor and celebrate educators who continue to put forth the “college try”. Teachers will wear something from the university they graduated from or from their favorite college.