There will be a Reverse Job Fair held on Thursday, March 7 from 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. at the Clarion Inn, 1911 E. Kansas Avenue. Employers can come meet students who are seeking employment with resumes and portfolios ready for review.
A Reverse Job Fair flips the typical career fair design. This innovative recruitment event puts job seeking candidates at a table to highlight their talents and experience. Employers circulate around the tables to view their resumes and visit with the potential employees. The event is open to Intellectually Disabled high school students from Garden City Public Schools.
Garden City High School staff have worked to prepare students who are going to be job candidates for this special event. The students have worked on writing a resume, networking and interviewing, as well as how to present themselves to potential employers.
The event is a collaborative effort between USD 457, Kansas WorkforceOne, Southwest Developmental Services, Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities and the Garden City Area Chamber of Commerce.
For more information, or if an employer would like to attend the Reverse Job Fair, please call Traci Shellenberger at 620-805-7143. Employers can also go fill out an online form here at