The Garden City High School drama department will present "Bethel Park Falls" by Jason Pizarrello on March 21st and 22nd at 7:00 p.m. There will be a matinee on March 24th at 2:30 p.m. The performances will be held in the auditorium on the Garden City High School campus, 2720 Buffalo Way Blvd. This play is appropriate for all audiences.
Ticket prices are $10 for adults, $8 for senior citizens and $5 for students in high school and under. Tickets may be purchased at, from cast members or at the door the night of the performances. The box office opens an hour prior to the production for the purchase of tickets at the door. Cash, checks, and credit/debit cards are accepted.
Synopsis: The residents of the small town of Bethel are facing a crisis: Their beloved park has been sold out from under them and it's sending their lives into a tailspin. In nine interconnected vignettes, sixteen locals grapple with the loss of jobs, homes, and spouses, but find love, courage, and forgiveness as the park magically transforms through four seasons of the year in a single day. From a tired security guard trying get home to her kids, to a young mayor in over his head, to a nostalgic fisherman who can't seem to catch anything, everyone takes a fall... and picks themselves up again. Bethel Park Falls draws a group of complex, fascinating, funny people together into one poignant story about the spaces where communities connect. (Playscripts Plays Inc.)
Cast: Bethel Park Falls is a series of short scenes depicting the lives of the citizens of Bethel. In this show we see Fern, a retired park maintence supervisor played by Julia Facio (junior). June, a blind bird watcher, played by Erika Estrada (senior) meets corporate developer, Brooke, played by Katrina Almaguer. Glenn, Brooke’s husband, played by Nic Vigil (junior) has an encouraging talk with Lily, a new mom, played by Veronica McCallum (junior). Holly, a local college teacher, played by Hayley Loya (senior) has a heated argument with her husband and the town’s mayor, Clay, played by Logan Wyatt (senior). Then there is Gaia, a college student who has recently been expelled for cheating, played by Tia Swords (junior) who has a deep conversation about life with a terrible fisherman named Ash played by Zane Sorensen (freshman). We also meet Dusty, a homeless man, and his twin brother Cliff, an art dealer, played by Zephyr Hernandez (freshman). Dusty and Cliff have conversations with Reed, a soldier who is married to Lily, played by Santiago Rueda (senior) and Hazel, a park ranger played by Pilar Ortiz (junior). Lastly we meet Hazel’s son, Sonny played by Silas Lobmeyer (junior) and his girlfriend April, who turned in Gaia for cheating, played by Jada Martinez (sophomore).
Alice Hilt is the Director. The Stage Manager is Georgia Fahrmeier (senior). Assistant stage managers are Izzy Frey (junior) and Corbin Huber (freshman). Light board operator is Mallory Hardy (senior) and Sound board operators are Giselle Rueda (freshman), and Sebastian Arroyo (freshman). All technical aspects for this production (except costuming) was done by Alice Hilt, Izzy Frey, Mallory Hardy, Madison Crow, Nic Vigil and Jacob Bunch. Costumes were curated by the cast and costuming students.