Garden City Public Schools Board of Education met during a regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, April 1, 2024. The meeting was held at the Educational Support Center Board Room, 1205 Fleming Street.
Under New Business, the Board reviewed and approved the English electives additions for inclusion of five .50 credit general elective courses to English electives courses. They considered and approved the design fees for the replacement of the HVAC system at Transportation for $11,900. They looked at the design by ICE Engineers for the Abe Hubert Elementary School HVAC system replacement for $127,500.00. This was a first read and no action was taken on the item. They approval of roofing bids for the district. They discussed the KASB membership renewal. This was a first read and no action was taken on the item. They approved safety and security proposals from SWC to update the intercoms and safety measures for Bernadine Sitts Intermediate Center and Florence Wilson Elementary for $432,375.85.
They approved the following items during the meeting. They include: Minutes of the March 21, 2024, regular meeting; and Certified and Classified Personnel actions; Accounts Payable totaling $187,828.77 noting that all major accounts contain adequate balances to meet current obligations; and the IDEA Assurances for Part B federal funding.
The Board held three executive sessions after the completion of all other business. The first executive session was for matters relating to employer-employee negotiations, whether or not
in consultation with the representative or representatives of the body or agency. The second was for personnel matters for non-elected personnel. The third was for personnel matters for non-elected personnel. No action was taken at the end of each of the executive sessions.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be Monday, April 15, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room at the Educational Support Center, 1205 Fleming Street.
The complete agenda can be found here.
The Board of Education meeting can be viewed here.