The Garden City High School orchestra students traveled to Dodge City for Regional Solo/Small Ensemble contest on Saturday, April 6, 2024. The school took 38 students to perform at the regional solo/ensemble festival. The students competed in 31 separate events: 2 ensembles and 29 solos. They were judged by a very high standard and we came away with 15-“I” ratings (Outstanding), 15- “II” ratings (Excellent) and 1-“III” rating (Average).
The GCHS orchestra soloists and ensembles that received a “I” rating will advance to state competition in Topeka on April 27th. The soloists include: Law K Htoo, cello; Lexi Peters, violin; Devin Richters, bass;
Kei Kempis, bass; Ashley Kingstone, viola; Annalise York, Cello; Robert Smith, violin; Ailyn Arroyo, bass; Miko Cruz, viola; Arianna Martinez, violin; Wahler Taw, cello; Julia Facio, bass; and Julissa Martin, viola. The ensemble includes: String Quartet: Arianna Martinez, Xander Flores, Miko Cruz, Annalise York Chamber Orchestra: Arianna Martinez, Noemi Baltazar, Justin Contreras, Dakota Marcellus, Charlotte Cheney, Xander Flores, Madison Bennett, John Nguyen, Alex Argueta, Julissa Martin, Quinlynn Harms, Miko Cruz, Ashley Kingstone, Joseph Miller, Braidyn Orebaugh, Devin Richters, Julia Facio.
Soloists that received a “II” rating include: Quinlynn Harms, viola; Alexa Ceren, cello; Yaneli Armenta, viola; Mikey Oswalt, bass; Xander Flores, violin; Devin Pelton, violin; Braidyn Orebaugh, cello; Alex Argueta, violin; Charlotte Cheney, violin; Mila Sedgwick, cello; Mauro Lara, violin; Justin Contreras, violin; Noemi Baltazar, violin; Bryson Workman, viola; and Ava Galvan, viola.
Madison Bennett, violin, received a “III” rating.
Summer Miller is the director of the high school orchestra.