Garden City Public Schools will hold a number of public forums on what the Boundary Committee has been working on since February. The forums will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17th and Thursday, April 18th at the Garden City High School Commons Area, 2720 Buffalo Way Blvd.
RSP & Associates will present the draft boundary scenarios and grade configurations for elementary and middle schools at these forums for the public to review and to provide feedback. There will also be discussion of building operations and potential retirement of schools. The group has been facilitating the deliberations during the boundary committee meetings.
5:30 p.m.
Welcome and Introductions
RSP & Associates: Boundary Presentation
6:00 p.m.
Small group discussion at stations
1. Verbal input
2. Written input (stick notes at the stations)
3. Electronic Survey
The committee includes the district leadership team, principals, teachers, business/community partners, parents and representatives from the district’s department heads.
The boundaries have not changed in the district since 2012.
Translators will be available to interpret.
For more information about the boundary study, go to the Garden City Public Schools website at