GCHS Drama Department To Hold Auditions For “Eclipsed”

The Garden City High School Drama Department will be holding auditions for the first production of the season on Monday, August 19th from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. and Tuesday, August 20th from 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. in the GCHS Auditorium. There will be callback auditions if need on Thursday, August 22nd from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

"Eclipsed" by Patricia Burke Brogan is a modern drama set in Ireland in the 1960s and 1990s.  Auditions are open to any current Garden City High School students.  Ms. Robyn Hilt will direct this production.  Audition packets are available outside the black box theatre-Room A110, Room C109, or Room CL 120 at the high school. This show has eight female roles, plus the department will likely cast one to two actors as swings to understudy roles.

“Eclipsed” characterizes four of the penitents within the Irish Magdalene Laundry- young, passionately alive women forgotten by the outside world, eclipsed from the light of life and human connection. Discarded and forgotten by society, these "fallen women" are stripped of their human rights, forced into slave labor and religious conformity. With no hope of being rescued, the women- physically and emotionally abused- fight to keep hope alive amidst songs, stories and playful ideas of marrying Elvis.

“Eclipsed” was one of the first plays to tell the story of the Magdalene Laundries. After seeing the horrendous goings on in the laundries as a young novitiate, playwright Patricia Burke Brogan decided to highlight the plight of these women. Over 30,000 girls passed through these institutions, the last one closed in 1996.