BSIC Donation to Finney County Humane Society

Bernadine Sitts Intermediate Center presented a check to the Finney County Humane Society Animal Shelter for $452.26 on Friday, October 11th from a Pennies for Pets campaign fundraising drive at the school. Cherlyn Robinson’s homeroom came up with the idea of raising money for the shelter as their service project idea, since the school’s mascot is a Bulldog. 

The campaign was held during August and September to go along the school’s Social Emotional Learning lessons. The focus word during the lessons was Empathy, and the service project was to show empathy for animals.

The students in the class set forth a challenge to the classrooms around the school. The challenge was, for the class that raised the most money for the effort, they would receive a bonus recess. Each week Mrs. Robinson’s students collected the donations from each homeroom, helped with counting the money, and charting the progress. An email was sent out weekly showing the progress and reminders were included in the school announcement broadcasts about the campaign.