The Garden City Public Schools Foundation Grant Squad visited schools on Monday, November 18th, to award $250 mini-grants to help teachers enhance instruction in their classrooms. The awards were presented to teachers in a surprise celebration in their classrooms.
The foundation received nine grant applications from staff around the school district. The grants are awarded to help support learning initiatives in the classrooms. The grants may be used for the classroom, department, or individual staff development for a district employee. The applications are read and judged by the Garden City Public Schools Foundation committee.
The teachers who received the mini-grants in a surprise celebration in their classrooms include:
Megan Ford, Jennie Barker Elementary School third grade teacher, will use the grant to purchase a variety of picture books that support a growth mindset in the classroom, social emotional wellbeing, and supportive of the Leader in Me curriculum.
Mitchelle Perez, Garden City High School biology teacher, will use the grant to purchase items for an aquaponics growing system for the classroom. This will help with project-based STEM learning in the classroom.
Natalie Konrade, Jennie Wilson Elementary School instructional coach, will use the grant to purchase enrichment games to help students master their grade level standards. The activities will help to challenge students in new ways.
Kayla Kendrick, Jennie Wilson Elementary School fourth grade teacher, will use the grant to purchase books that go along with the school’s Capturing Kids Hearts social emotional curriculum. This will help students focus on skills such as empathy, self-direct, perseverance and responsibility.
Ammi Lopez, Edith Scheuerman Elementary School music teacher, will use the grant to purchase a number of ukuleles for the fourth grade students to learn how to play the instrument and learn basic chords and accompany songs.
The Garden City Public Schools Foundation has provided over $39,000 in grants to fund opportunities to enhance the learning environment and increase the effectiveness of instruction across the district. The foundation was founded in 2004 and is a non-profit organization that is committed to effectively generate, manage and distribute funds to stimulate excellence for the preservation and enhancement of an exemplary education provided by Garden City Public Schools. The foundation functions in alliance with the Western Kansas Community Foundation.